Sunday, 24 August 2014

A zine i never ended up finishing

Yeah this was supposed to be one of those DIY style zines, printed on a standard photocopier down the local newsagents. Punk as fuck, indepenadant sketchy little magazine. My initial idea i had was to illustrate a story or a poem or something generic like that. But then i happened to stumble across an article online about short stories, and started to wonder how short the shortest story ever written, was. It turned out that writing 1-2 sentence stories is an actual 'thing', and a true test of a storyteller.
I managed to find a lot of them online, some better than others, and after reading a lot I picked out the ones i thought would be most interesting to put images to. Granted they seemed to just be the creepiest and bleakest of stories, but nevertheless these were the ones i picked, and here are my illustration.

I’m coming to visit you up there buddy. Please open the door.

Her face said enough.

Mommy took me to the zoo. I am still waiting for her to come back.

Ever since he was a boy, he had an undying passion for a woman’s beautiful eyes. Now on his deathbed, he insists that his collection of 300 pairs of eyes be buried with him.

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