Monday, 21 November 2011

No Wave Magazine Design

This was something i did for a free newspaper called "No Wave". Seeing that I'm massively into "No Wave music" i couldn't resist being part of it, aside from the fact that one member of the papers production team was one of my friends and the paper itself being a genuinely cool and interesting read.

The brief was pretty straight forward and a concept I'm partial to, it was something like... do what ever you want we love your style and trust that whatever you do will be brilliant.The only guideline in any way was that it had to be movie themed as it was the opening picture for the Movie Review page.

I drew my design using the mac program GIMP.Not a program i usually use but i was having trouble with my copy of Photoshop and time was running out trying to get versions of it that lasted longer than one use before asking me to enter codes i didn't have or couldn't find.I decided seeing as the brief was so loose that i literally draw in my own style, characters from movies.I know its not an overly original concept but I'm at a point with my current style were i feel like I'm getting better and better at it,and had an initial picture in my head of the sort of thing i was going to do.In fact it was basically being that id draw lots of movie characters in my sketchy ,illustrative style and they would be inter locked and twisted round the frames of a strip of movie reel.Some of the characters i copied and pasted from other pictures id previously drawn and edited them to fit the new theme by making them into movie characters and changing their proportions slightly.

*Watermarked badly*

I'm very pleased with the final newspaper print.The colors have become a lot richer in depth which is something i hadn't envisaged  happening until noticing it when i picked up my copy of the paper.But its all just a learning curve and to be quite honest It's nothing major just me being overly self critical.

The front cover art is pretty awesome too.I can't find the name of the artist anywhere in the paper though.Nevertheless 'props' to you.i really dig this style.

My Design

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